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TATS has applied state of the art systems engineering techniques to develop systems ranging from single computer programs to the entire Canadian Air Navigation System. Published papers have allowed others to learn from the experience and skills that have been developed over the years.

Requirements Analysis
The first step in a system design, requirements analysis, is to determine "What we want the system to do". There are tremendous advantages to applying the best available skills and experience to your project in the early stages.


Passengers boarding a flight at Zhoushan International Airport

A 747 on final approach at Hong Kong's old International Airport Operational or Support Concepts
A second view of the new system is to answer the question "How will we use the system to accomplish what we intend?" A paper that was presented to the INCOSE '95 Symposium (International Council on Systems Engineering) called Development of Operating Concepts is available here for your information. It discusses some of the challenges and pitfalls for the unwary in developing operating concepts.

System Design and Integration
The details of the eventual system design and integration are based on the requirements and concepts. TATS experience in system design and integration work is shown on the Aviation Systems page.

System Engineering Training
TATS can provide any required level of training in system engineering techniques ranging from formal coursework to on call assistance and advice at any point in your design process

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